Tally Softwares

Tally Prime Silver

Single user edition
For Standalone PCs

INR 18000/-

+18% GST (INR 3,240)

Tally prime Gold

Unlimited multi-user edition
For multiple PCs on LAN environment

INR 54000/-

+18% GST (INR 9,720)

Tally TSS Renewal

tally Silver TSS Renewal

Renew Your TSS now

& Enjoy Support

INR 3600/-

+18% GST (INR 648)

Tally Auditor TSS

Renew Your TSS now

& Enjoy Support

INR 5400/-

+18% GST (INR 972)

tally Gold TSS Renewal

Renew Your TSS now

& Enjoy Support

INR 10800/-

+18% GST (INR 1944)

Tally Software Upgrades

Pre Tally.ERP 9 Silver to
TallyPrime Silver

INR 7200/-

+18% GST (INR 1296)

TallyPrime Silver to
TallyPrime Gold

INR 36000/-

+18% GST (INR 6480)

Pre Tally.ERP 9 Gold to
TallyPrime Gold

INR 21600/-

+18% GST (INR 3888)

Pre Tally.ERP 9 Silver to
TallyPrime Gold

INR 39600/-

+18% GST (INR 7128)